Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What Your Dog Says About You

By: Nicole Pajer

Dog Breeds: Mutts vs Purebreds

Being a purebred owners suggests that owners are"planners" by nature. Have a distinctive set of taste and weighs pros & cons.
Mixed breed owners are viewed as more laid back and better adapted to go with the flow. Take chances and make choices on emotions.

Dog Size: Large vs Small

Having larger dogs suggest owners enjoy outdoor activities and sports. They are more tolerant of picking up bigger waste, wiping muddy paws and piles of drool. Studies show correlation between large dogs and men who perceive themselves as macho.

Smaller dog owners prefer walking in parks as to mountainsides. Viewed as cleaner, daintier and require less space.

Dog Coat: Long vs Short

Long coated dog owners put emphasis on visiting the spa and getting frequent haircuts.

Short coated dog owners like the convenience of prepackaged options and tend to be more trustworthy consumers.

Dog Treatment: Spoiled vs Ignored

Spoiled dog owners that let their pooch snuggle in bed are said to be affectionate and soft hearted. Love to spoil those close to them.

Dogs who spend most of their time outside or in kennels owners lack empathy.

Dog Behavior: Well-Trained vs Misbehaved

Well trained dogs are reflections of a responsible, happy, organized owners.

Behavior problems the owners are anxious, impatient and unsatisfied.

These are merely observations that give us something to think about.

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