Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy Howl-A-Days!

The staff and I here at A Diamond in the Ruff would like to wish all of our clients (furry and not) a happy, healthy holiday season! We are SO lucky to have such wonderful clients and all of us really look forward to coming to work everyday! Thank you so much for all the wonderful Christmas presents, baked goods, goodies and especially for all the kind words!!!! It's nice to know you can see how much work we put into our "jobs"! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Dawn, Beth, Matt, Stacey and Erica

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Happy Howl-O-Ween!

We had a doggie costume party with the dogs and they wanted to share some photos with you! Have a SAFE & Happy Howl-O-Ween!

If you are taking the dog with you to go out trick or treating with the kids you might want to think about a collar that lights up! Most pet stores sell them; especially this time of year, but you can also order them online at places like

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Cash has crossed over to Rainbow Bridge!

We lost our buddy Cash the Great Dane this week! He was a gentle giant with a huge heart and he will be missed by so many people! Here are some pics of him in previous Halloween costumes:

Cash was very gentle even though he was a huge Great Dane! He LOVED doggie day care and his girlfriend the yellow lab Elle! He loved just hanging with the employees and we loved watching him hop around the day care room in his carefree way!!! You will be missed Cash!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

School Daze...

So! We took the summer off from writing in our blog...the dogs and I like to spend time doing outdoor and fun activities ;-) in the summer!

Welcome back! Yes, our blog has a new look!!! Thought we'd update our look this fall! We hope you all had a great summer, we all did!

The kids are all back to school, now its time to send your pups off to school...give us a call and enroll your dog today in our doggie day care program!

Here are some pictures of some of our furry friends in "school" (as our guests like to call it) and a picture of Matt our full time day care supervisor:

Friday, May 28, 2010

Latest News Article on Hair Booms to clean up oil!

Local groomers confused after BP rejects dog hair for oil spill
By Evan Lips/Daily News staff
The MetroWest Daily News
Posted May 26, 2010 @ 12:01 AM
Last update May 26, 2010 @ 12:44 AM
Northborough's Dawn Giovannucci, one of thousands of dog groomers across the country pitching in to help clean up the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, thought the boxes of pet fur clippings she was shipping south were being used to sop up pools of toxic oil.
But after hearing Friday's announcement that British Petroleum was not planning on using the hair, she's not sure what to think.
"I don't know what's going on, but I did receive a press release from the agency in charge of the hair effort," she said yesterday. "They basically said they might have jumped the gun a little bit."
The president of that organization - an environmental charity called Matter of Trust - said she's confused, too.
"One department at BP told us to open the floodgates and send all the hair we could find," Lisa Gautier said yesterday from her San Francisco office. "But on Friday another department in the same building told us they couldn't use the hair."
Gautier said she was contacted May 15 by BP's Houma, La., Critical Resources Materials Management Department and told to send as much dog hair as possible. But Friday's press release issued by BP's public affairs office said the company would not use the hair, preferring to use other means instead.
"One problem with the hair boom is that it became water-logged and sank within a short period of time," said Charlie Henry, a scientific support coordinator for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, who was quoted in the press release.
Hair booms, which are essentially breathable nylon nets packed to the brim with pet fur, are currently being produced by volunteers working in 19 warehouses along the Gulf Coast.
The press release went on to state that a "commercial sorbent (absorbing) boom is readily available and scientifically designed and tested" for oil containment and absorption, citing a February 2010 side-by-side field test comparing sorbent and hair booms.
"On Monday I sent out 28 pounds of fur," Marquel Johnson, the manager at the Flying Fur pet grooming shop in Medway, said yesterday. "I'm going to keep collecting more because I'm not sure what to believe, and I just want to help any way I can."
Gautier said she asked groomers and salon owners who signed up after BP's Friday (May 21) announcement to wait for emergency alerts before sending more hair to the Gulf Coast.
"I had not heard the quote about the hair booms sinking," she said. "Whoever said that does not understand that we never intended for the hair booms to be stand-alone floatation devices.
"The booms would be marked and retrieved the same way fishermen use lobster buoys."
Giovannucci said she's still collecting hair.
She said John Gallagher, the Northborough Post Office officer-in-charge, had come in earlier and picked up a box of dog hair.
"He told me he'd have them delivered for free," she said.
Each week Giovannucci said she receives an e-mail from Matter of Trust that contains directions telling her where to ship the excess hair.
"This time our boxes are going to a warehouse in Florida," she said.
Gautier said she hopes BP's decision not to use the hair booms will only be temporary.
"These natural, renewable fibers are extremely effective, and any reports to the contrary are false," she said.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Check out our latest article

From Action Unlimited Magazine

There are many benefits of having your dog professionally groomed
on a regular basis. These benefits result in not only a happy dog, but a
healthy dog too. You don’t want to wait until your dog is matted and
miserable, you should be grooming your pups on a regular basis every
4-6 weeks and start them on their regular schedule at a young age. One
of the major parts of a professional grooming includes a full brush out.
Brushing removes all dead hair which eliminates odors, keeps them
cooler, cleaner, reduces itchiness, and also stimulates blood flow. You
can also keep on top of any health issues if your dog is professionally
groomed on a regular basis.
Sometimes being a groomer means being a detective; groomers make
many discoveries on dogs that were not seen before by their owners
such as fleas, ticks, lumps, hot spots, and even ear infections.
If you have a happy dog prancing down the street chances are they
were just groomed!
There are also many benefits to bringing your dog to doggie day care
regularly. When you meet a well socialized puppy, they most likely
attend doggie day care at least 2 times a week! Dog Day care offers
puppies invaluable social skills to help them properly interact with
other dogs in a variety of situations. Many dog owners work long hours
these days or have very busy lives and are unable to exercise and/or
socialize their dogs. They often feel guilty that they just don’t have
enough time to devote to their beloved dog. If you want a dog or puppy
to be well socialized, and have an outlet for all their energy so they are
just happy to see you at the end of the day then you might want to think
about enrolling your pup in doggie day care. This way you can simply
relax and enjoy your dog’s company at home and not have him or her
making your feel guilty by demanding your attention. Dog day care
offers a safe place for your dog while you are busy at work and provides
the best or both worlds for dogs and owners alike.
Because a dog is just a kid with fur!
A Diamond in the Ruff
A Day Spa and Day Care Facility for Dogs!
326 Main Street, Northboro, MA 01532

Friday, May 14, 2010

Bring your dog in for a grooming with us and we will donate all the hair clippings from your dog's appointment to help clean up the oil spill on the gulf!! Help us to help the environment! New clients, mention the oil spill clean up when you call for your appointment to receive a discount!

Check us out on NECN news at :
Also, in Metowest Daily News at :
We are also featured in the Worcester Telegram and Gazette!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Many Benefits of Doggie Day Care!

Doggie day care provides many benefits for not only the dog, but their owners as well. Day care is perfect for dogs whose owners have busy schedules and aren't able to exercise or socialize their dog daily. Bringing the dog to day care will allow them to get out all their energy while also making lots of new friends! Owners will benefit from a guilt free work day and a calm, relaxed, and very happy dog to come home to. Doggie day care provides the best of both worlds for dogs and their owners!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

We have the safe alternative to chemical filled flea and tick products!

Don’t let the fear of ticks carrying Lyme disease or mosquitoes carrying West Nile, heart worm or encephalitis keep you from enjoying the outdoors with your pet! The safe, natural, and effective answer to creating an invisible barrier of protection to your pet is waiting for you at A Diamond in the Ruff! It contains a perfect fusion of aloe, herbal extracts, and essential oils which not only repel ticks, fleas, and mosquitoes, but also help to heal skin irriations!
Don't these cute faces deserve a non-chemical, safe and effective flea and tick repellent!?

Come in today to ask us about this wonderful product!!