Thursday, July 26, 2012

A Tired Pup Equals a Happy Owner!

Jett fell asleep with his bone toughing his nose.

Lucy crashed out after a fun game of wrestling play with her friend Lance.

Maya and Elle are tired from all the excitement at Day Care.

Teszy finds a sunny place to take a quick break from keeping everyone in order, she is such a big help.

Buddy snuggles into a soft blanket.

Fez & Zelda take a "cat nap" together.

Everyone agrees having their dogs in Doggie Day Care is a great way to help your pet expel some of your dogs energy while their owners are a work.  Helps with socialization and boredom while you are away.

Come visit our facility and schedule your trial day today.  Your dog will thank you!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Flea's and Your Pet

Flea allergies in one of the most common in dogs and flea allergy dermatitis equals inflammation for you pet.
Dogs with hypersensitivity to flea saliva can cause them sever skin inflammation and itching that lasts for days or even weeks.  The scratching and licking often leads to a skin infection which makes itching even worse.
Your dogs tongue is slightly rough and can actually lick away layers of their skin.  This opens them up to bacteria and bigger problems.  Owners need to not only treat the dog but you entire home, yard and/or outdoor kennel.

Fleas cause blood loss which can lead to anemia.  Particularly true for small puppies and kittens who do not have blood to spare.

Fleas play an essential role in the life cycles of the Dipylidium caninum tapeworm ("flea tapeworm").  The adult D. caninum tapeworm lives in animals small intestines.  As the tapeworm grows each segment if full of eggs and as these segments are past through the feces to the ground.  Where on the ground they dry and break open releasing the eggs.  The flea larva eat the eggs and grow worms inside of them.  When you pet ingests the fleas (usually through them grooming themselves) the flea's release the tapeworm into your pet completing the cycle.

Dipylidium caninum tapeworm can not be passed from Cat to Cat or Dog to Dog.

Some Flea and Tick Myths:

Cold Weather Kills Fleas:  Fleas thrive in the fall and early winter months.  Live all year long in your home and warmer climates.

Few Fleas Visible only a Minor Problem:  You are only seeing the adult and not the hundreds of eggs, larvae and pupae developing.

Fleas Prefer Carpet:   Fleas lay in wait in cracks of hardwood floor, laminates or tiles waiting for a host to go by.

City Pets Don't Need Flea and Tick Prevention:  Fleas and Ticks live on wildlife, grass or foliage and encounters with other pets.

Friday, July 20, 2012

* * * * * Day Care Photo's * * * * *

Tito loves to smile for the Camera!

Little Riley enjoys playing in the tunnel.

Cosmo taking five with his favorite ducky.

Small Dog Room Play

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Nature's Variety Dog Food Recall

Nature's Variety is recalling voluntarily recalling their Prairie Beef Meal & Barley Medley Kibble due to an off odor.  Issued on July 12, 2012.  CEO Reed Howlett states that Nature's Variety 'to  ensure that our customers only receive the freshest and highest quality product possible."

The products impacted are listed below:
• UPC# 7 69949 60420 4 – Prairie Beef Meal & Barley Medley Kibble for Dogs 5 lb
• UPC# 7 69949 60425 9 – Prairie Beef Meal & Barley Medley Kibble for Dogs 15 lb
• UPC# 7 69949 60430 3 – Prairie Beef Meal & Barley Medley Kibble for Dogs 30 lb
• UPC# 7 69949 60432 7 – Prairie Beef Meal & Barley Medley Kibble for Dogs 3 oz sample
No other Nature's Variety products are effected.

Customers can return for a full refund or exchange for a different variety.  Bring product to back to retailer in original packaging.

see: Dogs Naturally Magazine article written by Susan Thixton dtd 7/13/12

Friday, July 13, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday to LUCY !!!!!!!!!!

Happy 2nd Birthday Lucy, we hope you enjoy you day!

Lucy is a fun loving girl who started in the small dog room as a puppy and has becoming a great loving young lady.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Happy Birthday to Teszy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope you have a Happy Birthday Teszy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy Birthday Coco !!!!!!

Happy Birthday Coco!!!  We all hope you enjoy your day!
Coco is an energetic little terrier with lots of charisma.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Pedigree Canned Food Recall

Pedigree is voluntarily recall their weight management canned food for due to possible choking hazards on June 30,21012. There has been small pieces of blue plastic reportedly found in the product on lots listed below.  The problem has been identified and resolved.  Please return any cans from the lots listed below to the retailer for a full refund or exchange.

Effected lots that were distributed throughout the United States are as follows:

Each product will have a lot code printed on the end of
the can that begins with 209, 210, 211 or 212 and a Best Before date that
falls between 2/24/2014 and 3/23/2014.

        Pedigree Healthy Weight Premium Ground Entree in Meaty Juices
        UPC 2310034974
        Pedigree Weight Management Meaty Ground Dinner Beef & Liver Dinner
in Meaty Juices
        UPC 2310001913
        Pedigree Weight Management Meaty Ground Dinner Chicken & Rice Dinner
in Meaty Juices
        UPC 2310023045

No other pedigree products were effected.  If you have any questions or concerns about this recall please contact 1-877-720-3335 or visit

The Pet Foot List Forums reported on July 1, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday Pepper !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy 1st Birthday to Pepper.  Pepper is an awesome Day Care friend to everyone she meets.  
Started off here as a grooming client and is now one of the best Day Care pups.  She has the best time playing with all her friends!