Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Harmful Bacteria Found in Lake Chauncy: Resident Worried About Dogs

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) issued a public health advisory for cyanobacteria in Lake Chauncy.

“The algae bloom has the appearance of pea soup and is capable of producing toxins that can be dangerous to humans and pets,” reads a statement from the Westborough Board of Health (BOH).

According to the Centers for Disease Control, cyanobacteria is also known as blue-green algae. They are usually too small to be seen, but can sometimes form visible colonies. When that happens, the water becomes cloudy, the algae usually floats to the surface and can be many inches thick.

People and pets should avoid contact with the algae. Avoid swallowing the water. Rinse off after any contact.

For more information, contact the Westborough BOH at 508-366-3045, the Massachusetts DPH at 617-624-5757 or visit www.mass.gov/dph/environmental_health.

see NorthboroughPatch article by Charlene Arsenault & Mary Jo Kurtz dtd 9/28/11

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