Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Shave-Downs of Fur-Bearing Dogs: Triggering skin disease and lawsuits

Shave-Downs of Fur-Bearing Dogs: Triggering skin disease and lawsuits  

It is a well-known fact within the animal medical community and experienced grooming salons that do shave downs of the fur-bearing dogs may lead to alopecia (hair loss) and skin disease. There are a myriad of skin diseases, under the category of "Coat Funk", that are either caused by or triggered by the shave down groom of the fur-bearing dog.
Although some have referred to "Coat Funk" only as the absence or destruction of guard coat., "Coat Funk" refers to a myriad of diseases such as The Black Skin Disease, Alopecia X, Sebaceous Adentis and Post Shaving or Post Clipping Alopecia to mention just a few.
                   Examples of  "Coat Funk"

The mechanism for causing or triggering "Coat Funk", after-shave downs in the fur-bearing dogs, is unknown to medical researchers. It is simply known that there is a high incidence of "Coat Funk" as a result of shave downs. Furthermore, shave downs of fur-bearing dogs should ONLY be done for medical reasons. Cosmetic choices for fur-bearing dog shave downs, such as a pet owner'd desire to reduce shedding or make the pet more comfortable in the summer heat, are unacceptable reasons for the pet to have its hair shaved. If a dog is shaved down for cosmetic purposes and develops "Coat Funk", it is assumed that the groomer iatrogenic ally caused the disease and it held legally responsible for the resulting skin and hair coat disease.
The determination of whether you as a groomer will perform a shave down on a fur-bearing dog is to directed only by the vet. Since all shave downs are to be performed for medical purposes, simply ask the pet owner to bring in a written notice from their veterinarian requesting the shave down for their pet. Your shave down groom then becomes an extension of veterinary treatment and the veterinarian becomes legally responsible if "Coat Funk" occurs as a result. Some veterinarians may feel that it is medically important that the dog may become overheated or that excessive shedding is medically not in the best interest of that fur-bearing pet. Have the veterinarian esssentially write the order to perform the shave down for thos cosmetic purposes and let the vet be accountable if  "Coat Funk" occurs after you the groomer do the shave down.
Groomers are rapidly evolving into a highly respected profession by the general public. Groomers are not just stylists, but they are also considered to be on the margin of the animal health care industry.
So, lack of knowledge of services performed ont he skin and hair coat of the pet by the groomer that may have a negative health effect is inexcusable.
Performing grooming services on a pet, knowing that it can be potentially injurious to the pet, such as a shave down of fur-bearing dogs only for cosmetic purposes, is even more egregious and open to litigation.
So, when one of your better customers (clients) request 'The Shave Down", educate the pet owner of the potential negative effects on the skin and hair coat post shave down and, instead offer regular bathing and brush outs of the pet or refer them to a veterinarian for the the pet medical recommendation in writing for the groomer shave down.
In addition to the written direction from the veterinarian, have the pet owner sign a waiver exempting you from skin and hair coat damage post shave down.

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