Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Can Dogs Contract EEE?

The answer is yes.  Although not very common as in horses and humans they definitely can contract this deadly disease.  Early signs of Eastern Equine Encephalitis are within 10 days of being bitten by an infected mosquito dogs will then get a fever, loss of appetite, weakness, depression and seizures.   Within twenty-four hours after the symptoms will only get progressively worse.  Dogs that are at the most risk are dogs less than 6 months of age or dogs that live mostly outdoors.

CBS Detroit reported a story on August 29, 2012 of an eight-week old puppy that was a confirmed case by Michigan Department of Agriculture.  After being euthanized blood samples were sent out and confirmed in two weeks time.

Chanel 9 WSYR reported on August 18, 2011 confirmed case in Oswego County New York a young male puppy.

Officials say to use the same precautions as West Nile Virus.  Get rid of any standing water, cover pools or other items that collect water.  Change the water in buckets, bird baths or water bowls.  Try to stay in from dusk til dawn.  Use repel designed for dogs.  When you have any questions or concern consult your veterinarian right away.

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