It can be very overwhelming and sometime confusing when you are looking for a boarding facility for your dog. There are many different options available. Vet-Clinic with boarding attachment (usually minimal accommodations), Boarding Facility (usually minimal accommodations), Day Care with Boarding, Spa type Boarding (lots of amenities and priced accordingly) and in-home facilities.
Here are a few questions to help you make the best decision for you and your dog.
Vet-boarding, Boarding or Day Care Facilities:
1) staff qualifications
2) professional trainer present
3) nutritionist available, what will my dog eat
4) trained in emergencies, both medical and otherwise
5) vet on call 24/7
6) staffed overnight because a great deal happens between 9pm and 6am
7) inspect facility carefully is it clean and well organized. nothing to present danger to the dog.
8) room to run and play, fenced in area, isolation spot for those who don't adapt well, will my dog
interact with others
9) play equipment appropriate size for dogs
10) adequate sleeping area in appropriate size
11) waste disposed quickly inside and out
12) meet your scheduling needs
13) what happens if my dog gets sick and/or injured
14) if your dog requires medication is there an extra charge
15) do they pick up and deliver
16) is there grooming available
In-Home (additional questions and/or concerns to look for):
1) relatively clean and clear of small objects lying around for dog to choke on
2) no bones lying around, this can cause fights
3) where will your dog have free access
4) don't put your dog in a home that takes non-neutered or aggressive dogs
5) fenced in yard
6) gates that have latches
7) if they don't ask for your emergency number's, vets info and shots not a good sign
8) do you see water bowls around. dehydration is a killer.
see articles from TorontoBarks.com and Gillian Ridgeway AHT, "Who's Walking Who".net
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