Thursday, October 30, 2008


We've been having fun with the dogs and dressing up this week for

Elle the Witch
Winston the Pig

Tuba the Pimp

Chloe the Witch

Sabi the Witch

Cosmo the Pirate

Winston the Pimp

Tuba the Pirate

Winston the Pirate

Cash the Pimp with his girl Elle

Roo the Witch

Elle the Witch and Cash

Savannah the Witch

Jackson the Pirate

Cash the Skeleton

Cash the Skeleton

Cash the Pirate
Bentley the Pirate

Ozzy the Pirate

Bailey the Pirate

Diva the Witch

Molly the Witch

Alex the Pig
Torre the Pirate

1 comment:

Susan said...

Awwww Dawn! The pictures of all of the dogs are amazing! You guys are so awesome!