With this years mild winter tick season has began early this year.
Ticks are bad new because they may transmit diseases and even cause anemia or paralysis to your pet. They are parasitic arthropods that feed on the blood of their hosts. Seek out mammals because they are attracted to motion and warmth. These tiny creature tend to hide out in tall grass or plants in wooded areas. It attaches its
mouth parts into the skin and begins the blood meal. It does not detach until its meal is complete which could be several hours to even days depending on the type of tick.
Most of the species of ticks go through four life stages-eggs, larvae, nymphs and adults. All except for the eggs attach to host for a blood meal in order to mature. Depending on species, the life span of the tick can be several months to years and one adult female can lay hundreds to thousands of eggs at a time. Below is a list of ticks that are most common to North America.
- Deer tick
- Brown dog tick
- Lone star tick
- American dog tic
Some symptoms of tick-borne diseases include fever and lethargy, some of them can also cause weakness, lameness, joint swelling and/or anemia. These signs may take days, weeks or even months to appear. Some ticks can even cause a temporary condition called “tick paralysis,” difficulty walking that may develop into paralysis. These signs typically begin to resolve themselves after tick is removed. If you notice any of these signs of illness in your dog, please contact your veterinarian as soon as possible for proper testing and necessary treatments can begin. The following are some of the most common tick-borne diseases:
- Lyme disease
- Ehrlichiosis
- Rocky Mountain spotted fever
- Babesiosis
Topical products like
Frontline, Revolution,
andBabesiosis bioSpot are designed to be applied monthly to prevent ticks and are applied directly to the dogs skin. Some products are available over-the-counter while others require a prescription. Though approved for use on your dogs, be aware that these products contain toxic components and should ALWAYS be used according to the directions. Do not put extra amounts this product or apply more than one at the same time. Please note that most of these products are highly toxic to cats. Talk to your veterinarian about the best options for your dog’s lifestyle. Also be aware that not all products will work for every dog.
(see article The dangers of ticks to you and your dog by Jenna
RVT at about.com dogs)
There are also many all natural products available.
Omni Super Spray, Brewers Yeast, Citrus Rub, Garlic, Dr Harvey's,
Evolv and many more products available.