Thursday, December 29, 2011

Chicken Jerky Treats Sicken Dogs

Reports of illnesses in dogs given chicken jerky treats have spiked dramatically following a new government warning about pet snacks made in China.

Dog owners and veterinarians are reporting that animals have been stricken with a range of symptoms within hours or days of eating chicken jerky, including serious problems such as kidney failure and Fanconi syndrome, a condition marked by low blood sugar.

Symptoms may include decreased appetite, decreased activity, vomiting, diarrhea, increased water consumption and increased urination. If dogs show any of these signs, stop feeding the animal the chicken jerky products, FDA officials said. If signs are severe or persist for more than 24 hours, seek veterinary help.

Though the illnesses appear tied to chicken jerky products manufactured in China, the source of the problem remains a mystery, said Siobhan DeLancey, an FDA spokeswoman.

Despite extensive chemical and microbiological testing, the agency has not identified problems with a specific contaminant -- or a specific brand or type of treat.

see articles at Vitals on written by JoNel Aleccia on 11/21/11 & 12/28/11.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

********* Day Care Photo's**********

Roco, Teszy and Annabelle.

Everyone wants their picture taken first.
We have Toto (silky), Fez (chi), Zelda (rat terr.), Buddy (puggle), and Spanky (havanese) all
trying to squeeze in for a photo op.

Piper was the winner of the holiday raffle for the large dog room.
She was a giant rawhide bone. Congratulations Piper!

Welcome another New Day Care Friend!

Welcome Ember a new puppy to our small dog Day Care room.
Ember is very fun loving new addition to our Doggie Day Care. She is also the winner
of our holiday raffle (large rawhide candy cane) for the small dog room.
Congratulations Ember and Welcome.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Welcome New Day Care Friends!

Welcome Popcorn one of our new Day Care Puppies.
Popcorn has been with us for a few weeks and is enjoying all her new friends.

Pet Food Recall

Advanced Animal Nutrition in Thayer, MO has issued a pet food recall of some of their dry dog foods due to aflatoxin.

Thayer is recalling three dry dog food products, because of high levels of fungus aflatoxin. Which is a naturally occurring chemical that comes from a fungus sometimes found on corn and in other crops. It can cause sever liver damage and in rare cases death. A companies spokesperson said that aflatoxin was found in one of the ingredients but not in any finished products. However, to be cautious, they are recalling the products mentioned below.

50 pound bags of Dog Power Adult Maintenance Formula 21-12, 50 pound bag of Dog Power Hunters Formula 2-14 and 50 pound bag of Dog Power Hi-Pro Performance Formula 26-18.

Sent to us by The Pet Food List Forums Team.
recall released 12/9/11 by Therese Administrator Sr. Member, Advanced

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Happy Birthday Lilly!!

We all want to wish Lilly A Happy 2nd Birthday. Lilly is our only December birthday and of coarse she is a white shepherd mix (like Christmas snow). We hope you have a wonderful birthday and a happy holiday.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Holiday Safety Tips For A Happy & Safe Holiday Season

Everyone wants their holidays to be bright and beautiful, but this can also lead to many problems for your pets. We want everyone to have a happy and safe holiday and no emergency vet visits so here are some helpful hints:

Poisonous Plants:
Holly leave & berries can cause stomach upsets and even be fatal for dogs

Mistletoe can cause stomach upsets and heart collapses

Hibiscus can cause diarrhea

have irritating sap that causes blistering in the mouth and stomach upsets

Decorations and Wrappings:
Ribbon, yarn and string causes intestinal obstruction and bunching of intestines. Which will require surgery and can be fatal

Ribbons on pets necks are cute but very dangerous

Adhesives and Glue smells are very attactant to dogs, but are toxic

Potpourri oils are toxic

Candles can cause burns and fires

Batteries, Perfumes and After-shaves are also toxic

Tree needles can be toxic and cause mouth and stomach irritation

Tinsels cause blockages that most often need surgery

Angel hair, flocking and artificial snow are mildly toxic

Chewing of electrical cords cause burns in the mouth, electrical shocks and death by electrocution

Food on the tree cause many problems, candy canes, gingerbread people, popcorn, raisin and cranberries are just asking for trouble.

Rich, fatty foods, like gravy or grease, can cause problems ranging from stomach upsets to pancreatitis, which is an inflammation of the pancreas resulting in pain, vomiting, and dehydration.

Alcohol can cause serious intoxications in pets, and many dogs are attracted to it. Every year hundreds of dogs die after a single bout of alcohol consumption.

Chocolate, coffee, and tea all contain dangerous components called xanthines, which cause nervous system or urinary system damage and heart muscle stimulation. Chocolate, with theobromine, is especially a problem because dogs love its flavor. Problems from ingestion range from diarrhea to seizures and death. Unsweetened baking chocolate and dark chocolate are the worst culprits, but all chocolate, fudge, and other candy should be placed out of your dog's reach.

Bones from fish, meat, or poultry can also cause problems if swallowed. Even small bones can splinter causing lacerations (tearing) throughout the intestinal tract. Rawhides, Kong toys, and hardened, sterilized bones would be better alternatives.

Tobacco products can be fatal to pets, if ingested. Signs of poisoning develop within 15 to 45 minutes and include excitation, salivation, vomiting, and diarrhea. Pets may develop seizures, collapse and die from cardiac arrest. Keep cigarettes, cigars, tobacco, nicotine gum and patches, and ashtrays out of the reach of pets. Empty ashtrays frequently since cigarette butts contain about 25% of the total nicotine in a cigarette.

Uncooked yeast dough can expand and produce gas in the digestive system, causing pain and possible rupture of the stomach or intestines.

Grapes and raisins contain an unknown toxin, which can damage the kidneys.

The artificial sweetner, xylitol, that is present in some gums, breath mints, candy, and other human food can be very toxic to dogs.

Macadamia nuts contain an unknown toxin, which can affect the digestive and nervous systems and muscles of dogs.

Meat juices on plastic or aluminum foil left on countertops are very tempting. If ingested, plastic or foil wrap (cellophane candy wrappers or food wrap) can cause choking or intestinal obstruction.

Meat-soaked strings from rump roasts are also enticing. Ingestion can cause a surgical emergency called a 'linear string foreign body' in the intestines.

To be safe, put away food immediately, and pet-proof your garbage. Garbage contains all kinds of other hazards for your dog such as plastic wrap and bags, 6-pack beverage holders that could cause strangulation, fat trimmings, bones, and pieces of ribbon or tinsel.

Feed your pet(s) before a party so they will not be so apt to beg or steal food.

see article pet by Drs. Foster & Smith Inc. written by: Marty Smith, DVM

Friday, December 2, 2011

Congratulations Lance!!

Lance has just passed his "Good Citizenship Program".

Welcome to the AKC’s Canine Good Citizen® (CGC) Program. Started in 1989, the CGC Program is designed to reward dogs who have good manners at home and in the community. The Canine Good Citizen Program is a two-part program that stresses responsible pet ownership for owners and basic good manners for dogs. All dogs who pass the 10-step CGC test may receive a certificate from the American Kennel Club.

See more information about the program in the American Kennel Club website.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

"A Silent Recall" Iams Food

posted by Food bug lady

Price Chopper posted and then pulled posting regarding "elevated aflatoxin levels". Per Iams it is not a food recall but a product pull, that some of the bags do not meet our standards. It is a "silent recall" that the manufacturers do not want consumers to know about.

Products Pulled:
Iams Original with Chicken Cat Food
UPC 1901403915
Lot Number 12794177D3
Size 6.8 lbs.

Iams Original with Chicken Cat Food
UPC 1901410504
Lot Number 12794177I5
Size 4 lbs.

Iams Lamb Meal with Rice Dog Food
UPC 1901403735
Lot Number 12794177J4
Size 15 lbs.

Reason for Recall:
The product is being recalled due to elevated aflotoxin levels."

Aflatoxin is found in corn, peanuts, cottonseeds, milk & tree nuts. After absorbtion they are carried to the liver via the circulatory system. Where they are converted to toxins where they bind to covalently to intracellular macromolecules such as DNA, RNA & protein enzymes, resulting in damage to liver cells.

see articles: Truth about Pet by Susan Thixton
The Food Bug Lady (aka Phyllis Entis/,

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving To All!!

From everyone here at A Diamond In The Ruff we wish you and your family a "Very Happy Thanksgiving"!!!

Reminder that we will be closed 11/24 through 11/27 for the holiday.

Happy Birthday to Bear & Sophie!!!

Happy 2nd Birthday to Sophie. Sophie shares her birthday with her friend Bear. She has many friends, she is fun loving, enjoys playing with everyone she meets, and she is so light on her feet she hardly makes a sound. Everyone hopes that you have a great birthday.

Happy 1st Birthday Bear. Bear shares his birthday with his friend Sophie. Bear is a very, very lovable boy. He is friends with absolutely everyone he meets (human or canine). Bear loves to play so much with his friends that at nap time he is sound asleep. We all hope that you have a great 1st birthday!!!!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Happy 4th Birthday Maya!!!!!

Happy 4th Birthday Maya. Is a wonderful dog that we enjoy having here in Day Care. She is sweet and kind to all, but yet is a leader and keep an eye on everything that happens. Hope your day (23rd) is a wonderful one!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday Greta!!!!!

Greta started as a young little puppy here at A Diamond In The Ruff and we watched this adorable puppy grow in the a very nice young dog. We all want to wish her a Happy Second Birthday. Greta has many friends both in the small dog room where she started off to the large dog room. But no matter where she is she is friends to all. So have a HAPPY 2nd BIRTHDAY GRETA!!!!!!!!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Happy Birthday Zelda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy 7th Birthday Sweet Zelda from all your friends at A Diamond In The Ruff!

Friday, November 11, 2011

********* Day Care Photo's**********

Buster loves to play with everyone here at Day Care.

Shawnee, one of the new puppies loves to play with her friends Tito & Buster.

Tito, another new puppy, loves to play with his friends Shawnee and Buster.

Tuba is keeping a watchful eye on all the puppies.

Best Friends Annabelle & Sophie play a game of ball. Great Sharing Girls!

Jackson & Miah take a quick break from their game of ball.

Coco just wants to say "Hello" to everyone.

Cosmo takes a nap after a fun filled morning of playing with all his new puppy friends.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Happy Birthday Spanky!!!!

Happy 5th Birthday Spanky!

Flexi-Leads Why They Are Not Safe!

Flexi-Leads are not only unsafe for your dog, but for you as well.

Below is some great insight from an article "Why I hate Flexi-Leads" by Smartdogs Weblog 7/25/08 by Sebastian Schmieg

I) At big box pet stores you see Fido in aisle two urinating or shop-lifting treats, while the owner is
chatting in another aisle. Or you are accosted in parks and/or sidewalk by lunging dogs, who's owners smile or refuse to make eye contact with you. Flexi-leads allow the dog to train themselves to behave badly when out in public.

II) Seem to be nearly perfectly designed to teach dogs to pull. They pull and get rewarded with more space and freedom. Stop pulling and get punished with the collar and leash snapping (pulling) back on them.

III) Freedom is something that should be earned not given. Letting a dog that hasn't been given proper guidance and training on rules and boundaries for society make their own decision is more confusing for the dog.

IV) Causes the handler to be in a position of being reactive instead of proactive on walks. Dogs that think they make the decision and are entitle to unlimited space and freedom will never recognize the owner as a leader.

V) Safety Issues. a) cord and/or lead can cause burns to both humans and canine body parts, b) get wrapped around body parts that can cause injuries from tripping to worse case of amputation or strangulation.

VI) When a dog is more than 10-25' beyond an inattentive owner a) can be hit by a car, b) attacked by another dog, or c) smacked or pepper-sprayed by a person who does not welcome his advances.

VII) Most leash laws specify a 6' or less law so an extended flexi leas does not comply.

VIII) Handles-even if you are a conscientious owner it is darn near impossible to control from 15' away. If you drop the handle when your dog bolts away the noise of a dragging handle may startle them and he may run even faster and go even farther.


Below are a few stories from "The Chronicle of the Horse" " Flexi-leads Are they Safe?" copyright 2000-2011 Jelsoft enterprises ltd.

1) 10/19/11 Writer states: That they have obtained two ugly scars from other people's careless use of flexi-leads. (1) on the NECK when someone behind allowed their dog to barrel down a stairway and at the bottom the dog turned 90 degrees and clotheslined her neck. (2) walking with a friend who's dog was on a flexi-lead and the dog took an unexpected turn cutting two deep cuts on the back of her knees from the tape style.

2) 10/20/11 Writer states: Work in vet's office and have assisted in a large number of emergencies of dogs being hit by cars while chasing a squirrel, dogs in dog fights all that are related to being on flexi-leads. Also makes a great statement and I quote "Dogs are still animals and no matter how well trained they are, they can still react to things beyond our control."

3) 10/20/11 Writer states: Used flexi-lead for large dogs on a 45lb pit bull mix the dog bolted away and pulled the cord off the plastic handle. Luckily they were walking on a farm with many acres of land but the possibilities of what could have happened in a dog park or near a busy street are endless.

So in closing dog owners need to always be aware of everything around them and their pets. Even though your dog maybe well behaved and/or friendly with other people and/or dogs not all dogs and/or people that you encounter along your way are and/or feel the same way towards your dog.

Friday, November 4, 2011


We all wish Lance a very Happy First Birthday from all his pals at A Diamond In The Ruff!!!!

^^^^Thanksgiving Pet Safety Tips^^^^

Most people do not think of the Thanksgiving Holiday as being a safety hazard for your pets, but actually it can be very dangerous. Below is a list of things to watch out for:

1) Fatty foods: Too much fatty, rich or unfamiliar goods give pet pancreatitis or gastroenteritis.
2) Diet and Exercise: Disruption in his dietary routine can cause upset stomach, diarrhea/vomiting maintain exercise and diet routine.
3) Bones: Certain bones can lacerate or obstruct pets inside.
4) Onions: widely used and found in many foods can destroy red blood cells, which can lead to anemia.
5) Grapes and Raisins: Contain toxins that cause kidney damage.
6) Chocolate: Can actually be fatal.
7) Food wrappings: Aluminum foil, wax paper can cause intestinal obstruction.
8) Fresh water: Make sure there is always fresh water. The more people in the house the more chances of the water bowl being spilled.
9) Quiet time: Watch behavior changes around the holidays. Festivities can be too much stress.
10) Garbage: Keep securely fastened.

see article from North Shore Animal League of America 2011.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Welcome New Day Care Friends!

Welcome Tito, a chocolate lab puppy, who is having a great time with all his new friends in Day Care.

Shawnee, a Rhodesian Ridgeback puppy, is having a great time with her new friend Tito and Buster in.

Welcome Thor, a great pyrenees mix, who enjoyed his first day at day care.